About US
Embrace Innovative
Virtual Payment
Assistant & Save
Big on Your
Daily Purchase
Get instant notifications about offers & discounts, every time you make a purchase.
Bringing joy to your friends and family
Simply invite your friends and let WitzPay do the magic.
amazing features
Explore What You Can Experience with the App
Shop On-the-Go
Schedule your activities around your offers, or let the virtual assistant help you find deals and discounts while you're out and about.
Track Your Spending
Keep an eye on your spending habits. Plan your spending and share it with your pals.
Don’t just split the payment
Use a nice greeting, a bright theme, GIFs, and more to come up to manage split payment, whether you owe or your friend.
Wish for more
Tell us your favorite outlet and we will add them to your savings if they are not already there.
Experience Fast, Simple & Effortless Payment Assistance Like Never Before
Save on Every Transaction
Split Payment
Earn while you save - Tokens
Easy card Comparison
In-app Chat
Advanced Search
Biometric Secure Login
Watch out for more exciting services on WitzPay
unveiling soon!!!
Forget to carry cash? No worries! Simply use your smartphone and pay with the app!
This is only the start... Keep an eye out for more.
Every deal you take advantage of earns you KBC points, making it even more lucrative than before.
Increased Conversion Rate
With an updated, streamlined payment experience, you may help improve sales and loyalty.
Reach Out to More Buyers
Expand markets by utilizing the PayPal network and next-generation technology.
Streamlined Business Processes
Without compromising revenue, control internal costs and automate back-end activities.
Mitigate risk and Keep Payment Data Secure
Help identify and prevent fraudulent transactions while making purchases.
Fastest-Improving Platform
Every year, we add hundreds of new features and upgrades to help you remain on top of industry changes.
Tested Credibility
Our systems are highly scalable and redundant, with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
“Join the growing list of trusted WitzPay members to make payments rewarding.”